Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome to The Truth

It's time.

It's time to hear the truth about life and the truth about a better life.

Let's get started.

The Truth is a beginning to a better life. It's written to be read and re-read. It's written simply but it's not simply written.

The Truth leads us through seven topics: who we are, gullibility, wisdom, playing the fool, happiness, boredom and death.

Here's a taste (from Chapter Seven):

Wedding or funeral - which one would we rather attend?

That's an easy one, right?


Solomon said it's better to be at a funeral than a wedding.

What do you think?


  1. It seems that at a wedding we are usually full of joy and hope for the possibilities of the newlyweds' life together and what they may accomplish; whereas, at a funeral often we celebrate a life well lived and understand better the possibilities of the fullness of life as a servant and follower of Jesus.

  2. I read a story this week that goes something like this:

    A young woman, while on her death bed making preparations for her funeral, requested a fork be placed in her hand in her casket. The pastor asked why, of course, and the young woman said, "whenever I was at a dinner or restaurant eating a delicious meal, at the end of the meal when the plates were taken away, it never failed that someone would lean over and say, "Save your fork, the best is yet to come." So I want people to ask at my funeral, "why a fork? What's with that?" And you will tell them, "Keep your fork...the best is yet to come."

    A funeral celebrates a life well lived and for some bids a final farewell. But for Christians, born again, a funeral indicates there is a better life, or shall I say the best life, beginning.

    Kristine Weiss
    p.s. I'm looking forward to reading this book!
